Vacuum Pad

Vacuum Pad - MHPSC No Contact TransfertVacuum Pad - MHPSC No Contact Transfert

Vacuum Pad - MHPSC No Contact Transfert

The principle of these prehenseurs is based on the exploitation of the Bernouilli effect. A positive pressure is applied through form adequate (Insert + curve). The exhaust of this air goes trough of low pressure and gets a vacuum aspiring any kind of object.


Size 20, 30, 40, 60
Port size M3, M5
Medium Dry air filter 40 u
Operating pressure range 0.2 ~ 0.7 MPa
Air consumption (※) 100 ~ 210 l/min
Lifting force (※) 0.9 ~ 6 N
Ambient temperature +5℃ ~ +60℃
Level of noise 25 dB
Mounting Aluminum A5056 and stainless steel
Weight 10 ~ 124 g
Remark (※) : Indicative value for sizes 20 and 30: Pressure of 0,5 MPa with an air supply by tube φ2,5x4 length:1m. for sizes 40 and 60 : Pressure of 0,5 MPa with an air supply by tubeφ4x6 length :1m.

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